Thursday, May 1, 2008

DON'T TELL! Mum's the word!

Okay here's the plan, or at this point the idea.
I was thinking the other day....."you know that Cathy Marie Anderson Bottomy Magarahan (the 3rd and last) has done a BUNCH for our class ya know?"

I mean she does a bunch behind the scenes that no one sees when planning and getting stuff together for reunions. That's not to mention hosting the annual birthday bash every summer. THAT alone, my friends, is a LOT of work. PLUS I guarantee she spends a bunch of money that she never really gets back. On top of that she provides beds for the needy - i.e. those of us who don't want to drive home, and those who cannot drive home. I could go on and on, but I won't. Anyone who knows Cathy, and is around Cathy and our parties KNOWS what I'm talking about.

So now I actually get to the idea mentioned above. Let's get Cathy a thank you gift! (and Charlie of course)

Here are my thoughts:

1- she loves decorations that "fancy up" her house
2- she has a few "lighted" decorations, so it would appear "lighted" decorations work for her
3- she loves the song "It's 5:00 Somewhere" and Charlie tends to sing it at our parties
4- she frequently states "its 5 o'clock somewhere"
5- she loves Margaritas (might have one in her hand as she states "It's 5 o'clock somewhere"
6- she calls her humble abode "Casa Margarita"

I thought, how about a cool looking neon sign that covers all the above....and then some.

Remember, Shush it's a SECRET!

So the next thing I did...

I brought my idea up at our 3rd Thursday Get Together for April and received a pretty strong affirmation to my idea.

, don't ya sometimes hate that word, at the time I THOUGHT I had found a place that would make the sign design I came up with for about $300. Well I can't find that website again, and it's possible that I hadn't really seen what I thought I had anywho. I believe that now to be true after doing more research on neon signs. Man, those babies are expensive! To get the design I am thinking about looks like it would run more like $600. WOW! I KNOW. I said those puppies are expensive.

So I'm looking for feedback:

I'm not asking the entire class to donate. Just us locals who are around the most. Now I CAN open the donation request up to the multitudes if you think I should, but it just occurred to me to keep this to the smaller more often present group.
So that's one thing you can provide feedback on.

Next thing, is the sign idea. In the next post down, I', gonna show you what I would really like to get. Below that is some sign ideas (with prices) that some of the sign making companies have suggested. And one of the images is kinda the base idea for the sign. So scroll on down....

The sign design I want

Here is my design. I've been quoted $580 to $600. I'm still shopping and negotiating. Oh, and its about 30 inches tall.

The Basic sign

This sign can be had for $279

The bottom line .... WE WIN!

I kept at my search. I found a guy with an Ebay Neon Sign shop. He calls himself "Signfeld." (cute name huh?)
Any who, "Signfeld" or Joe as I have come to know him, has agreed to do my design for 300 bucks! And he said that would include SHIPPING and INSURING the sign.

Care to contribute?

So now I'm gonna get this sign for Cathy and Ol Chuck Wagon! (Chuck Wagon AKA Charlie)

Anyone care to contribute? Email me with a pledge. Don't want to contribute? Can't contribute? Thats okay too.

The sign will still be bought and it will still be given "from the DHHS Class of 1970."

Who I'm sending this to

Deborah AH
Debra (Debbie) W
Kathy (what's your last name now?)
Billy C

Any suggestions for contributors?